International Federation of East Asian Management Associations


IFEAMA Selected Paper Series of Conference Proceedings, Vol. 05, March 17 2016

Selected Paper of the 13th Conference at Ulaanbaatar, July 2015

Author Title Pages Download
Nobuyuki TOKORO Green Innovations and Building of a Low-carbon Society 001-016
Nobuo HIROHATA. Green Management through financial schemes
-A case study of the Development Bank of Japan-
Shizuko KATO. Russian Firms under the Current Economic Crisis 025-041
Takahide KOSAKA Formations and Strategies of Japanese Supplier System in China 042-054
Yangchoon KWAK Free trade agreements and economic cooperation among Japan, China, and Korea
Yozi ICHIDA Current Status of 3D Printer Use among Automotive Suppliers: Can 3D Printed Parts Replace Cast Parts? 069-082
Product Planning and Design Education for Creative Industry Development -
Yu Xiao Jun A Statistical Analysis of the Determinants of FDI Locations in China 099-107
Gennady Azoev . Marketing of Nanoproducts: in search of solutions 108-121
Luu Tien Dung, Pham Van Trinh, Van Nu Thuy Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Economic Linkage between Enterprises and Farmers in Southern region, Vietnam
Myagmarsuren Boldbaatar; Altan-Erdene Batbayar;
Tsetsedelger Enkh-Amgalan
Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction Model in Mongolia 136-145
Bayanjargal.D Baranchuleen.Sh Adiyabadam.G A cost Benefit Analysis of Crop Production with various irrigation systems 146-156
Yu Jin, Li Nan, Jia Qiong Salary Reform TMT in Chinese Central SOEs
Sarantuya Jigjiddorj, Bayarmaa Bat-Erdene, Batdelger Nyamkhuu Comparative study on an attitude of Mongolian workers toward physically disabled people
Lkhantseden Badarch Current situation of Mongolian Tourism and Hotel Industry 181-189
Danaasuren Vandangombo Supporting Renewable Energy Development through Financing in Mongolia

IFEAMA Editors
