30/06/2024  Anoucement of the 18th Conferrence of IFEAMA at Nanijng
       Call for Papers   Important dates and Deadline

30/03/2024  Publication for Selected Papers of the 17th IFEAMA Conference at Hanoi
       Knowledge Transformation and Innovation in Global Society: Perspective in a Changing Asia   ( Springer)   ( Amazon )

01/01/2024  We have changed a hosting server and installed SSL on our site.
        Top page with SSL is

01/04/2023  Statutes, organization have been updated at the 17th Conference of IFEAMA

29 /03/2023 The 18th conference will be held in China in 2025.
        The Business School of Hohai University (Nanjin) will host it.

16/03/2023  Tentative Agenda of the 17th Conferrence of IFEAMA at Hanoi

09/01/2023  Some dates are changed of the 17th Conferrence of IFEAMA at Hanoi

01/10/2022  Some dates are changed of the 17th Conferrence of IFEAMA at Hanoi

04/09/2022  Anoucement of the 17th Conferrence of IFEAMA at Hanoi

22/03/2022 Urgent notice:The 16th Conference in Russia has been postponed.

29/12/2021  Anoucement of the 16th Conferrence of IFEAMA at Moscow
       Call for Papers   Important dates and Deadline

01/10/2021 Theme, plenary discussion, sections of the 16th Conference of IFEAMA at Moscow have been published

31/05/2021  The page configuration has been updated and the Japanese version has been added.

03/02/2021  The 16th IFEAMA Conference at Moscow will be postponed in 19-20 May 2022

05/12/2020  Publication for Selected Papers of the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto
         Management for Sustainable and Inclusive Development in a Transforming Asia
         (Springer)   (Amazon)

25/10/2019  Stepping into the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy
        (Key events towards the 16th IFEAMA Conference at Moscow)

01/08/2019  Key events towards the 16th IFEAMA Conference at Moscow

20/06/2019  Update the final program for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto

10/06/2019  Update the detailed version program for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto
            (Opened from 10/06/2019 to 20/06/2019 for available download version)

31/05/2019  Update the program for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto

29/05/2019  Industry tour for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto

10/03/2018  Updatethe new page for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto
           ** Change of the important days
           ** Upload the registration form

10/11/2018  The new page for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto
           ** Change of the important days

28/10/2018  Hotels information for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto

13/06/2018  Call for Papers for the 15th IFEAMA Conference at Kyoto

20/03/2018  Program for the 14th Conference of IFEAMA and NAM at Kathmandu (PDF)

23/09/2017  Submisson requirement for the 14th IFEAMA Conference at Kathmandu

23/09/2017  Announvement for the 14th IFEAMA Conference at Kathmandu

17/03/2017  IFEAMA Selected Paper Series of Conference Proceedings, Vol. 01-Vol.5

06/07/2015  Program for the 13th IFEAMA Conference at Ulaanbaatar

30/03/2015  Transportation and hotels for the 13th IFEAMA Conference at Ulaanbaatar

23/03/2015  Hotel reservation related information for the 13th IFEAMA Conference at Ulaanbaatar

25/02/2015  Call for Papers V2 for the 13th IFEAMA Conference at Ulaanbaatar
           ** Change of important days
           ** Additional the sub-themes

25/11/2014  Call for Papers for the 13th IFEAMA Conference at Ulaanbaatar
           ** Submission of Papers Requirement

25/03/2014  Announcement for the 12th IFEAMA Conference at Hanoi
           ** Extended of dead line of Presentation Application & Abstract submision
             ** Additional the infomation of a chartered bus

27/12/2013  Announcement for the 12th IFEAMA Conference at Hanoi
           ** Submission of Papers Requirement

09/04/2012  Update Announcement for the 11th IFEAMA Conference at Nanjing
         Important notice
           ** Change of the opening period
           ** Additional the poster session
           ** Additional topics of paper

29/01/2012  Photos of the 10th IFEAMA Conference at Seoul

29/01/2012  Selected Paper of the 9th IFEAMA Conference at Moscow
           (IFEAMA Selected Paper Series of Conference Proceedings, Vol. 01)

29/01/2012  Photos of the 9th IFEAMA Conference at Moscow

10/12/2011  Announcement for the 11th IFEAMA Conference at Nanjing

20/02/2011  Openning of this site